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Alvin Edenshaw
Alaskan Native Sports Association

This program is the missing piece in any athlete's development; our kids have benefited greatly from this program.

Robert Evans
De Anza High School
Valley High School

My son loves this program! It's all he talks about. He is getting buff and confident (maybe a little cocky). Thanks, AMYP.

Luther Burbank High School

AMYP came to my school, and now everybody wants to sign up.

Coppin State University

As a college student, I was skeptical about working a program designed for high school kids, but I was surprised. We don't do this stuff at my University. Any athlete who is serious about their craft should check out AMYP.

The Athletic Mentors Youth Program is working with our girl's squad–the increase is incredible!

Alicia Nightengale
Community Development Project Manager
City of Richmond, CA

On behalf of the City of Richmond, I want to express my support for the Athletic Mentors Youth Program.

AMYP's operation has provided youth with positive options to fill voids during the out-of-school hours. The City of Richmond has been an active partner in hosting this operation and fully supports the AMYP partnership.

Roland and Raynita Hepa
Barrow, Alaska

We believe in Athletic Mentors Youth Program and encourage more Native youth to get involved in what this program has to offer. If this program can be made available here in Barrow, Alaska, no one should hesitate to take advantage of an opportunity to work with Mr. Ollie Johnson. Our daughter is in college, just like he promised, along with all the other kids he worked with.

Kelly Moore, CPD
Nisqually Substance and Prevention Program

Mr. Ollie Johnson has been working with the Nisqually Youth Program since 2006.  AMYP has helped the youth at Nisqually learn a great deal about sports and sportsmanship, and given them the positive male role model that was deeply needed.  He is a highly motivated and caring person, genuinely interested in learning about the Nisqually community's culture. We appreciate his enthusiasm, humor, and eagerness to learn. 

Sabrina Moses
Recreation Coordinator
Tulalip Tribes

The Athletic Mentors Youth Program has been great here in Tulalip, Washington. I recommend this program to every Tribe, or any city for that matter. It will elevate your children to a new level of competition. The program doesn't just focus on athletics; it also focuses on education, life skills and mentoring. Mr. Ollie Johnson will help your kids follow their dreams. From site visibility, I have seen Mr. Johnson pick up kids to work out, and bring them home. He is self motivated and really cares about Native culture.

Richmond High School

Being Native, it is sometimes hard to be included in athletics–the fear of being singled out and  isolated is a great one.  At AMYP, they cater to Native athletes, making the transition to organized sports seamless.

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